Here are this week's prayer requests. Take a moment and think about these people. And if you're checking this before the end of the show, Joel Olsteen was on Busted Halo tonight. They should replay the interview.
• Rick, West Virginia, for his girlfriend Lisa who has a kidney issue and for his Uncle Marty who passed away
• Becky, Fort Worth, TX, for her sister Sue, who is in prison
• Cindy, DC, for all people who were laid off recently
• Andrea, Mineola, IA, for her friend Laura who lost her twin babies two years ago, and for her great-grandmother Elda who died recently
• Nora, Pleasanton, CA, for her daughter Julie who is having difficult financial problems
• Dick, Albuquerque, NM, for his daughter Tina who is a single mother who recently found a lump in her breast and is going in for medical tests
• Judy, Emmett, ID, for her daughter Scout who recently had a baby and is going back to active military service
• Rick, West Virginia, for his girlfriend Lisa who has a kidney issue and for his Uncle Marty who passed away
• Becky, Fort Worth, TX, for her sister Sue, who is in prison
• Cindy, DC, for all people who were laid off recently
• Andrea, Mineola, IA, for her friend Laura who lost her twin babies two years ago, and for her great-grandmother Elda who died recently
• Nora, Pleasanton, CA, for her daughter Julie who is having difficult financial problems
• Dick, Albuquerque, NM, for his daughter Tina who is a single mother who recently found a lump in her breast and is going in for medical tests
• Judy, Emmett, ID, for her daughter Scout who recently had a baby and is going back to active military service
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