The following people have asked for your prayers and well-wishes. Thank you in advance.
- Matt - for himself as he struggles with trying to quit smoking and for his wife Teresa to have the patience to deal with him during that time
- Steve - for his friend Haley who injured her knee and discovered a blood-clot in the process
- Pat - a prayer of thanksgiving for the fact that his prayers were answered and his biopsy came back benign
- Anonymous - for the strength to cope with the fact that her boyfriend cheated on her, and the wisdom to discern how to resolve the situation
- Katie - for her friend Brian who had a stroke
- Kathleen - for her son Bill who is looking for a job, and for all those looking for employment
Thank you for all your prayers, kind thoughts, and well-wishes. They are much appreciated.
- Matt - for himself as he struggles with trying to quit smoking and for his wife Teresa to have the patience to deal with him during that time
- Steve - for his friend Haley who injured her knee and discovered a blood-clot in the process
- Pat - a prayer of thanksgiving for the fact that his prayers were answered and his biopsy came back benign
- Anonymous - for the strength to cope with the fact that her boyfriend cheated on her, and the wisdom to discern how to resolve the situation
- Katie - for her friend Brian who had a stroke
- Kathleen - for her son Bill who is looking for a job, and for all those looking for employment
Thank you for all your prayers, kind thoughts, and well-wishes. They are much appreciated.