Blogging 159: The unofficial Catholic Channel blog

Prayer Requests - 1/11/10

Please pray for all the following people going through their various challenges.
- Brooke - for her own vocation to the Carmelite nuns
- Father Dave - for his Uncle Peter who was recently given a new pacemaker
- Kyle - for his friend Pat who, at an early age of 39, is currently being diganosed with a yet-unknown disability
- Robyn - for the people affected by the earthquake in Northern California
- Lisa - for herself, as she will be having a hysterectomy
- Sal - for his ex-wife Melissa and their child Salvatore Jr. for an improved relationship together, and for maintaining the faith life of the child
- Mike - for himself as he battles neuralgia, a pain that affects the nervous system
- Priscilla - for her son-in-law Jesse who is searching for work
- Erma - for her father Simon who was recently diagnosed with cancer
Thanks to all of you out there praying for all these people. You are in our prayers as well.

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